Field trips have long been an important aspect of the educational experience for children. These trips are meant to provide an enriching experience in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. Every year, thousands of Connecticut students are transported to important scientific or historical sites, usually by school bus or chartered coach bus.

Parents who send their children on these field trips entrust their safety to the school district and the transportation companies. Unfortunately, these trips can sometimes take a tragic turn. That was the case recently in Kentucky, when a high school arranged to take its senior students on a tour of local colleges. One of the buses carrying the students suddenly careened across two lanes of traffic and crashed into a cement barrier. In all, 35 people were injured as a result of the bus accident, many suffering broken bones. Thirty students were among the injured bus accident victims taken to local hospitals for treatment.

Passengers on a school bus are subjected to greater risk of injury simply because they are not required to wear seat belts. Because of the lack of restraint, they may be thrown into other passengers and even into seats, floors or other objects inside the bus. When buses are filled to capacity and traveling at highway speeds, the risk of injury in even a minor accident is increased.

If you or your child has been injured as the result of a bus accident, you may want to consult an attorney in order to understand and protect your rights. An attorney can gather the necessary facts and information in order to identify the party responsible for the accident. Whether an accident was due to the negligence of the bus driver, the negligent actions of another driver on the road, or even if mechanical failure was involved, an experienced attorney may be able to assist you in collecting compensation for your injuries.

Source: Louisville Courier-Journal, “Blown tire possible cause as 35 are hurt in bus accident, including 30 Waggener High students,” June 11, 2013