When people suffer injuries in car accidents in Connecticut, they and their family members experience worry and frustration. This is particularly true if the accident was not the injured person’s fault. The victims of car accidents have the right to pursue financial damages, which can help them to pay for injury-related expenses stemming from these collisions.

This is the situation that several people are dealing with after the driver of a sport utility vehicle lost control. The driver, who was 18 years old, ended up crashing into a utility pole. As a result, both he and his three female passengers suffered injuries.

The teens had to be cut out of the vehicle due to the damage done to it. Then, all four of them had to be transported to a hospital. The driver suffered life-threatening injuries, and the others also suffered serious injuries.

If the driver who lost control of the vehicle — or another driver who contributed to the accident in some way — is found to have disobeyed a law of the road, such as speeding or running a red light, this may be established as a causal factor in the accident. If so, it could be used as evidence of driver negligence in a Connecticut court. It is within the rights of the injured SUV passengers to seek monetary damages through personal injury claims. If liability is established to a Connecticut civil court’s satisfaction, these monetary damage claims will be adjudicated. Gaining financial relief may help to ease pain and suffering caused by these types of car accidents.

Source: wtnh.com, 4 teens injured in Orange utility poll crash, No author, Sept. 20, 2013