When people are killed and injured from fatal car accidents in Connecticut, their family members usually feel helpless and cannot understand how such a calamity can happen. Their grief may turn into rage if the person found responsible is found to have acted negligently behind the wheel, such as by speeding. No amount of money can bring back a loved one when fatal car accidents occur, but monetary damages can help family members to experience a sense of closure and move on.

A community is dealing with the devastation following a single-car crash at the corner of two roads. Four people were killed in the crash, while a fifth suffered injuries. Authorities say the crash happened when the car collided with a guardrail and spun out of control.

Police have stated that the only survivor is an 18-year-old man, who was last listed to be in critical condition. People who live in the area told authorities that the road on which the car was traveling was dangerous, and that they had seen a crash occur there before. Police are investigating whether speed contributed to the collision.

If speed is found to have been a causal factor in the crash, then the injured victim, and the family members of the dead victims, have the right to pursue personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits. Speed, or disobeying any other road rule, is considered an act of negligence or recklessness, and can be used to establish liability in civil court. Victims and family members in Connecticut can seek reimbursement for medical expenses, funeral costs and even loss of support after such car accidents. Also, if a municipality is aware that a certain intersection is dangerous, but does not change it in order to mitigate the risks to drivers in that area, it could also face claims for liability for monetary damages stemming from the accident.

Source: ABC News, Car With Mass. Plates Crashes in Conn., Killing 4, No author, Oct. 26, 2013