Serious injuries can result from a car collision, including broken bones, lacerations, internal injuries, spine problems and even brain injuries. It is for this reason that a car collision in Connecticut can have serious long-term consequences for an individual who has suffered injuries in it. Even though financial damages can’t make up for the emotional and physical trauma caused by car accidents, it can help to ease a person’s emotional distress and help with any collision-related medical costs sustained in a wreck.

A woman and her three children recently faced this type of situation in Connecticut. The accident took place on Interstate 84. The incident occurred when a 41-year-old woman’s vehicle hit another vehicle, police said.

The woman’s car went over a concrete barrier and ended up on a highway ramp, according to police. The woman whose car was struck, a 31-year-old, and her three children suffered injuries, while the 41-year-old woman died in the accident. Police continued to investigate the collision.

The woman who suffered injuries, along with her children, can rightfully file a personal injury claim against the driver who allegedly caused the crash. Even though the driver ended up passing away in the vehicle crash, a suit may be filed against the driver’s estate and anyone else who owned the vehicle she was driving. An injured party in a collision might seek reimbursement of financial damages, based on evidence of negligence by another party to the crash. A Connecticut civil court will ultimately adjudicate claims for monetary damages stemming from car accidents if liability is established according to our personal injury laws.

Source:, Woman Dies in Thanksgiving Night Crash, No author, Nov. 29, 2013