People sometimes “space out” while traveling on the road. Some daydream and fail to pay close attention to their surroundings. Others are in a rush and are more focused on getting to their desired destinations than they are on watching for traffic signs and signals. Running a stop sign or a red light in Connecticut is a dangerous act that can be considered negligent or even reckless behavior, as it can result in an auto accident that leads to serious injuries.

A recent auto accident in Connecticut involved two vehicles. The crash took place when a 17-year-old ran a red light. He then hit an SUV that was going west, according to police.

The force of the crash caused the SUV to roll over. This vehicle then struck a car that was parked in a lot and destroyed a big traffic control box. The SUV driver was ejected from the automobile, suffered injuries and was taken to the hospital. Meanwhile, the 17-year-old driver suffered no injuries.

Running a red light is typically considered a negligent act, particularly when it leads to a motor vehicle accident. If it is discovered that the teenager was disobeying another road rule, such as driving while distracted or speeding, this information also may be used as proof of driver negligence in a Connecticut civil court. The injured victim certainly retains the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against the teenager to seek financial damages that might help to cover medical costs and other expenses associated with the crash. A successful outcome may help to ease pain and suffering stemming from the auto accident.

Source: NBC Connecticut, Teen Ran Light Before West Hartford Crash: Cops, Ari Mason and LeAnne Gendreau, Jan. 20, 2014