Pedestrians are particularly at risk for serious injury while walking near moving vehicles. This is because motorists may simply not see them and accidentally strike them. Pedestrians lack protection against the potentially forceful impact when struck by a motor vehicle. Negligent or reckless driving may easily cause pedestrian accidents in Connecticut, which naturally might cause grief and frustration for family members of the injured party as well as the victim.

In a recent case, a 65-year-old woman suffered injuries after being struck by an SUV driven by a 50-year-old woman. The incident happened at a middle school one morning when the SUV was backing up to leave a drop-off area. The back bumper of the vehicle hit the 65-year-old woman, who was a math teacher at the school.

The woman’s injuries were life-threatening. Her skull was fractured, and this caused bleeding to her brain. She was taken to the hospital and remained in critical condition. Police continued to investigate the crash.

In this case, the woman who allegedly hit the pedestrian with her SUV may face claims for financial liability for the injury caused by this accident. This is particularly true if there is evidence that she was driving while distracted or otherwise negligent behind the wheel. Apart from any Connecticut workers’ compensation benefits to which the victim may be entitled, she also has the right to file a personal injury claim against the driver, seeking monetary relief for damages stemming from the wreck. Liability must be established in a manner that satisfies the court presiding over the civil lawsuit before claims for monetary damages can be adjudicated in favor of victims of pedestrian accidents.

Source:, Teacher seriously hurt at RHAM Middle School, No author, March 14, 2014