Connecticut kids and families enjoy a multitude of outdoor activities, camps, sports and social events. But what do you do if your child was seriously injured on someone else’s property or someone else’s watch?

An injury to your child can be a horrifying experience for the whole family. Make sure to get the medical help and legal advice you need if your son or daughter was hurt.

Sometimes accidents just happen, and it may not be anyone’s fault. Perhaps you chalk up the event to youthful risk-taking or the nature of a sport or activity. Maybe the kid wasn’t wearing a helmet or was running too fast, or perhaps he or she didn’t listen to the grownup who was in charge.

Many uncontrollable factors can lead to an accident that injures a child. But in some cases, unsafe conditions or adult negligence are to blame.

If Your Child Was Hurt

If your child was seriously injured, and you suspect adult negligence, get medical care right away. You may also want to talk to an attorney if one of the following happened:

  • Your child experienced a serious injury at a camp or on a ski trip.
  • Your child was hurt while boating, swimming, waterskiing, wakeboarding or engaging in water sports without a parent or family member.
  • Your child was injured at a party or community event outside your supervision.
  • Your child was hurt while playing sports in a league, at a camp or for a club.
  • Your child suffered a concussion or other head injury while in someone else’s care.
  • Your child was injured at a public or private pool or hot tub.

Every situation is different. In many cases, a lawsuit or claim is not an appropriate course of action, while in other cases it is essential. Consult an experienced personal injury attorney to get your questions answered.