Doctors are only human and can make mistakes, but there are instances in which those mistakes aren’t harmless. Errors by medical professionals are the third leading cause of death of Americans. This shocking statistic is a call to action for all adults who receive medical care in this country.

One issue that comes up in cases involving medical errors is a sort of intimidation. Some patients are intimidated by doctors and aren’t willing to question them about their medical decisions. It is imperative that anyone who thinks something isn’t quite right about his or her medical care speaks up, even if it means having to confront the doctor.

There are many different errors that doctors might make when they are caring for patients. Not providing the correct diagnosis is one of these. Without the correct diagnosis, it is virtually impossible for patients to get the treatments that can help the conditions they are suffering from.

Another issue that can come up is doing the incorrect procedure on the patient. This includes issues like doing a surgery on the wrong spot. Even deeper into this issue is not doing the procedure in the correct manner, such as leaving surgical equipment or supplies in a patient once the procedure is done.

Some doctors are overworked and don’t really focus on what they are doing. This can’t be used a crutch when there are patient’s lives on the line. For any individual who was harmed by a doctor, it is imperative that he or she takes the time to find out his or her options for seeking compensation. This isn’t a fast process, but it is often necessary to reduce the financial, and possibly physical, blow that comes with a medical error.

Source: Men’s Health, “Doctors Make Mistakes. Here’s How to Help Them Get Your Diagnosis Right,” Paul Bergl, accessed Jan. 31, 2018