Despite the known risks of drunk driving, there are drivers all across the state who make the decision to drive under the influence of alcohol, especially on weekends and holidays. As such, there is a risk of being involved in a drunk driving crash this weekend because it is also St. Patrick’s Day.

For many people, this holiday is synonymous with drinking, and this often leads to a spike in the number of drunk drivers, despite statewide warnings reminding drivers that drunk driving causes crashes. If you or a loved one is hit by a drunk driver this weekend, there are steps you can take to protect yourself after the accident.

Call the police

Any serious accident should be reported to the police, but even if there seems to be little damage and you think you are okay, it can be wise to call police. When police arrive, they will take a statement from you and the other driver. If the other driver is impaired, the office can make an arrest.

Document details about the other driver and the crash

If you are able, document any details about the accident. This can include a description of the other car and its license plate number, details about the accident, names of people who saw the crash and photos of the scene and other vehicle. Not only can this information help you when filing a report, it can prove to be far more reliable than the other driver’s recollections. Further, it can help track down a driver that flees an accident scene.

Get medical attention

Seeking medical attention may seem unnecessary unless your injuries are obvious or severe. However, even minor injuries can have major impact on crash victims, so it can be wise to see a doctor to ensure you receive the necessary care after a drunk driving accident.

Talk to an attorney

You may have grounds to file a personal injury case against a drunk driver. To examine this option and build your claim for compensation, you can discuss the process and your rights with an experienced attorney.