If you’ve been involved in a serious car crash, then you likely have some serious medical bills and have lost some wages. While it’s nice knowing that many of these bills can be covered by the responsible party’s insurance, you’re probably wondering whether you’re eligible for any compensation for all that discomfort you’ve had to endure. In most jurisdictions, you can recover damages for this, too.

What is key is that you document those days that you weren’t able to go golfing with your buddies on a Saturday morning or didn’t feel up to taking the kids to the park to play. If you do this, then you may qualify to receive compensation for pain and suffering and other related damages.

The other kinds of damages that you may be eligible to receive include compensation for mental anguish, emotional distress or a loss of consortium, reputation or enjoyment out of life. You may also qualify to receive compensation if the incident left you with an impairment, disfigurement or somehow affected your reputation.

How much you may be eligible to recover for these losses varies. It’s contingent upon how much time you needed to convalesce, how severe the injury was and whether you’ll suffer a lasting impact because of it. Whether you were permanently disfigured or scarred by the incident will also matter.

A victim’s personality and their socioeconomic status will impact the amount that you’re able to recover. So will how well of a negotiator your attorney is.

One factor that may impact how much you may be able to recover for pain and suffering is how much the state allows. Many states including Connecticut have certain caps in place depending on where the accident occurred, who was involved and other factors. When it comes to dealing with insurance issues and other car crash concerns, a New Haven attorney can point you in the right direction.