Every time you get behind the wheel, you may see at least one other driver displaying questionable driving habits. Maybe another car moved into your lane and almost side-swiped you because the driver did not check his blind spot; perhaps someone blew through a stop sign or didn’t signal a turn. There are any number of bad behaviors that can make the roads dangerous for even the safest drivers.

To increase your safety on the road, it is important to be aware of driving habits that can lead to collisions so that you have a better chance of spotting these dangerous drivers. Here are some of the most dangerous habits of motorists.

Not stopping or yielding right of way

Failure to yield the right of way is one of the top causes of car accidents across the country. Furthermore, this bad habit is more prevalent among drivers age 70 and older, and it often occurs on freeway merge ramps. In cities, running stop signs and red lights creates many accidents.

Reckless driving

Reckless driving can involve swerving, weaving through traffic, accelerating and braking erratically, or driving slowly in the fast lane. Excessive speeding, which is generally 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit, is also reckless driving in the eyes of law. When other drivers behave in a manner that is drastically different from the surrounding traffic, it makes the road dangerous for everyone.

Not adjusting for the weather

Another bad habit that some drivers have is not adjusting for the weather. Whether it is rain, sleet or snow, some drivers continue to drive the same way that they would when the weather is sunny and dry. They fail to consider that there is a higher risk of losing control due to a lack of traction or that they need more time and distance to come to a safe stop.

Distracted driving

If a driver is doing anything other than operating the vehicle and paying attention to the road, he or she may be distracted. While most people automatically think that distracted driving involves cellphone use, a driver could become distracted by many things: changing the radio station, eating breakfast on the way to work, taking care of some last-minute personal grooming or even yelling at the kids in the back seat.

By being aware of these bad driving habits, you have a better chance of reducing your risk of a collision. It may not be possible to avoid another driver’s bad behavior, though. If you have been the victim of a negligent driver, you can fight for the compensation you deserve by filing a claim.