If you were bitten by a dog, it may have been a friend’s or neighbor’s pet, or it could have been a stranger’s dog. Whether you know the animal or not, you should take nothing for granted and make sure you get medical attention immediately. Infection can spread quickly in the body, and you may need to be administered drugs in order to help your body cope with the injury. 

Seeking medical attention costs money, and enduring a dog attack can also be an extremely upsetting experience. It is likely that you have suffered a significant amount of pain because of the incident, and you may be feeling anxious or upset, even weeks or months after the attack. In fact, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a relatively common consequence of a dog attack. Being diagnosed with PTSD can mean a course of therapy (and perhaps medication) can help you heal.

Why many people do not take legal action after a dog bite

Many people in Connecticut simply do not take legal action after being bitten by a dog. This can mean they do not claim the compensation they deserve, and they have to pay the related medical bills out of their own pockets. Some injured people fail to take legal action because they are friends with the owner of the dog and they do not want to offend or upset the friend. However, their safety and well-being should come first, and they should never have to pay for their medical treatment when they endured an attack that was no fault of their own.

What dog bite victims could be entitled to

Many dog bite victims have the right to gain compensation for medical expenses. Some may also be able to claim damages for the pain and suffering that was caused.

If you are a dog bite victim and you are unsure about whether to take legal action, it is important that you take the time to reflect on how the event negatively affected your life. It may be in your best interest to make a claim