Connecticut, like much of New England, can have blustery and frigid winter weather. Snow storms that dump multiple inches, as well as freezing rain and sleet, can affect the daily lives of all residents.

Most adults in Connecticut already understand how to keep themselves safe in dangerous weather. From winterizing our homes to adjusting our driving habits, we do whatever it takes to make it through the cold season. One area that may not receive adequate consideration is the risk of walking on slippery surfaces.

Many people get hurt because they slip and fall on icy pavements, sidewalks and parking lots. In many cases, these incidents cause serious injuries and lost wages. Those who are injured should learn more about their rights under Connecticut premises liability laws.

Businesses and property owners need to maintain safe facilities

Any space open to the public can present risk when people visit. If someone gets hurt on another person’s property, the property owner may be liable for that injury, unless the person was trespassing at the time of the injury.

This is particularly true when a failure of maintenance or outright neglect contributes to the accident or injury. Failing to remove ice and snow from sidewalks and parking lots is often deemed a form of negligence. Everyone knows that wet, snowy and icy surfaces are harder for people to walk across safely.

However, the expense of adequate snow removal or the time involved may keep businesses from tending to snow and ice accumulation in a timely manner. While it isn’t reasonable to expect businesses to repeatedly remove snow while precipitation happens, facilities should attend to ensuring the safety of visitors as soon as the storm is over.

You can take action after a slip-and-fall accident

Of course, it’s ideal to avoid any kind of fall that produces injury, but that is not always possible. For those who have experienced a slip-and-fall accident related to snow and ice on sidewalks or parking lots, there may be the potential for compensation.

In some cases, injured parties can bring a claim against a business’s or homeowner’s insurance policy. Discussing the situation with an experienced Connecticut personal injury attorney can help you decide what the next step should be in your case.

A lawyer may be able to help you seek compensation for lost wages, medical expenses and any property damage that resulted from your injurious incident and the negligence of a property owner or business.