There’s a lot of research that’s been done about how effective helmets are in preventing motorcyclists’ injuries and deaths. Researchers’ findings have led many state legislators to propose and ratify laws requiring bikers of all ages to wear motorcycle helmets. Connecticut, however, isn’t one of those states where such legislation exists.

Motorcycle injury and death rates would perhaps be lower if such laws existed in this state.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helmets saved 1,859 motorcyclists’ lives in 2016 alone. Their analysis of crashes that occurred that same year shows that 802 additional lives could have been saved had the bikers simply been wearing helmets at the time of their accidents.

The CDC’s research into their effectiveness shows that helmets have a significant impact in preventing motorcyclists’ deaths. In fact, they note that they reduce bikers’ risk of being killed by as much as 37 percent.

Helmets have a significant impact on reducing a motorcyclists’ risk of suffering a head injury by as much as 69 percent.

Data compiled by the CDC shows that the injuries that motorcyclists suffer as a result of not wearing helmets approximate $1 billion in annual costs each year.

The CDC advocates for the implementation of universal helmet laws. Legislation that once existed in Connecticut requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets was repealed in 1977. It’s unclear how many New Haven residents’ lives have been forever altered since this law was taken off the books.

A motor vehicle accidents attorney with extensive experience in handling liability matters can advise you of your right to collect compensation in your motorcycle crash case.